Straight Cut's integrated approach to the production of custom wood products and solid hardwood flooring differs radically from the conventional system. That difference starts with one basic rule: We never even set foot in a forest.
Our Forest Free lumber is harvested from the logs of urban tree removals that otherwise would be turned into mulch, firewood or dumped at the landfill. Every hardwood log we divert becomes an excellent source of sustainably harvested material. We work with local lumber mills in the Tri-county area or mill the lumber ourselves on site. We process the logs into flooring, paneling, slabs and other products. Then, we sell those products to our customers — who usually are local as well.
Through our "Root-to-Fruit" program, some of our products even end up inside the building that sits on the site of the tree that supplied the wood in the first place. Simple. Sensible. Efficient. But then again sustainable practices shouldn't be complicated, difficult or expensive. They should make sense from every perspective.